Our Web Development Projects

British Council Funded Projects

We take pride in our collaboration with universities across the UK, assisting them in crafting bespoke websites for projects funded by the British Council in various countries. These websites serve as invaluable tools for disseminating project outcomes and findings to a broader audience, offering stakeholders a platform to access research work, data, photos, and research papers relevant to the projects. Some of our websites are:

1) Pakistan www.safe4allPk.com

2) Jordan. www.UpJordan.com

3) Brazil. www.Equal-Brazil.com

4) Jordan. www.LeadJordan.com

5) Egypt. www.inclusivEgypt.com

6) Vietnam. www.Career-Vn.com

black laptop computer
black laptop computer
Ahad Tech Islamabad

Ahad Tech is a rapidly growing game development and application company that has captured the hearts of nostalgic gamers worldwide. The studios specializes in creating games that harken back to the golden age of video games, featuring pixelated graphics, chiptune soundtracks, and classic gameplay mechanics.

Their website can be found at www.ahadtech.com